
About IBN

September 5, 2012
We created International Beer News as a way to celebrate our interest in beer, home brewing, beer culture and associated topics. The plan is not to spend a lot of time loading up the site with endless product reviews (though we will sneak one in now and then) or listings of every single new product release, brewery opening, festival or award handed out.  We find it easier to just tweet a lot of this information.

You'll find, well....whatever comes to mind.

Our Feature Articles and Commentary may be the most important content we have to offer. These are usually provided by our Chief Editor, Mark Schweitzer - who has been consuming beer since 1972, understanding it since 1982, and brewing it at home since 1997.

As he says, "I remember when all beer was pretty much the same, and when the only interesting beer you could get was an import...and most of those were from Canada. For beer lovers, it's probably never been better than it is right now. We need to enjoy the quality, variety and sheer energy that make up today's craft beer world--without drowning in too much hype."

As for everything else here, you'll see news that we think is appropriate, or that we feel has been overlooked--but the goal is to bring you a broad spectrum of information that might be interesting or helpful. 

That means you'll see a little bit of everything, from regional beer news across the USA, to obscure bits and pieces from the other side of the globe. Whatever you find here, it will be written or personally selected as something we actually care about - or feel to be of high quality.

If you have news or information that you want to share or pass along, be sure to contact us:


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